The New Kids

Phoebe sullenly sat and looked out the big bay window.  Bored and frustrated, she wished for a friend to play with because her siblings weren’t any fun to be around.  Her big sister was cranky, always hiding under a blanket.  Her little brother was too rough and hyper.  Why couldn’t a new kid move in next door? 

The next day, Phoebe learned that wishes do come true.  Across the yard and beyond the fence, she saw two kids moving into the little house with the big yard.  Phoebe daydreamed about all the fun they would have running around the wide-open space.  She eagerly rushed out the door and onto the front porch, but before she could get any further, she heard her mother commanding her to stop.  Phoebe skidded to a halt and hung her head.   Her mother knelt down to hug her and explained that the new neighbors needed to settle in.  When the time was right, she would be able to go introduce herself. 

For the next two days Phoebe stared out the window and watched the sisters play in their yard. She walked into the kitchen and when she noticed that her mother was not there, she picked up her favorite ball and quietly pushed the screen door open.  What’s the worst that could happen? 

Phoebe walked to the fence and barked hello.  The sisters abruptly stopped playing, froze, and stared at her.  She felt her stomach drop.  She didn’t know what to do.  Did they not understand her?  Phoebe rolled the ball towards the bigger sister hoping she would roll it back.  Instead, both of them ran as quickly as possible into their house.  A confused Phoebe decided to sneak over and retrieve her ball.  When she returned back to her yard, there was her mother waiting with arms crossed and a disappointed look on her face. Quickly, mother’s disappointment turned to sympathy.  She knew just how badly Phoebe wanted to make friends so she decided to make plans to introduce her overzealous girl to the shy new kids next door.   

The next morning Phoebe woke up and shuffled into the kitchen.  She looked at her siblings and sighed.  Just another day of either being annoyed or being told she’s annoying.  Phoebe silently prayed that her mother would allow her to try again with the new kids next door.   She just knew that if they got to know her then they would get along.  As if reading her mind, mother put on her boots and coat and opened the front door.  She looked back at Phoebe, smiled and motioned for her to follow.  Phoebe’s heart raced. 

As they crossed the yard, mother told Phoebe to walk calmly to the fence.  In her hand she held a container of treats that she thought the kids would like.  The kids watched them and instead of running, they cautiously approached. Mother handed each of them a treat as Phoebe sat quietly and smiled. Finally, the new kids bleated hello.