

The wolf is howling at my door

Or maybe I hear the lion’s roar

No matter what the beast

I cannot do anything but freeze

It’s gnashing at the roof

Pounding with a cloven hoof

Windows are being rattled

This tormentor can’t be battled

I hunker down by the fire

Body chilled I am tired

All I can do is wait this out

The beast will have to end this bout

The wailing and moaning need to stop

More wood I will have to chop

To feed the flames that hold it at bay

Because this one beast I cannot slay

It will eventually wind itself down

And a smile will replace my pensive frown

The flames will flicker, sputter, and spurt

Until the logs are reduced to ash and dirt

When the beast finally falls asleep

I will peak outside like a timid sheep

Then when the coast is nice and clear

I will put aside any useless fear

The door will be swung open wide

To allow the chilly air to float inside

I will step out into the wintry day

Calm and muted, white and gray

Birds of Winter

Birds of Winter

Waiting on Jack Frost

Waiting on Jack Frost



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