Country Fair
There’s something about the twilight
Before the sun settles down for the night
The world outside appears a different place
As I do my evening chore of feed and hay
The horses follow me as I carry a bale
Reminding me of gypsies begging coin, spinning tales
They pull out mouthfuls and munch as I go
Harassing me until I stop and throw
I can’t help but admire the cotton candy sky
Reminding me of times gone by
Wishing I could taste it, sweet on my tongue
Rush to my blood, into the fun I was flung
Tilt-a- whirls and super slides
Carousels and pony rides
Feasting on hot pretzels, fried green tomatoes
Feeling guilty about those deep fried oreos.
Tonight I appreciate the bats’ acrobatics
They defy gravity while I stay grounded, not ecstatic
Oh how I wish I could join them as they swoop and dive
To see the world from their perspective up high
I’ll have to pretend the neighbor’s music and grilling
Are the smells of food trucks and the sound of children shrilling
The stars appearing are the lights of the attractions
My fondness for it all is just an abstraction
The tractor pull I always watched with my father
Can’t be replaced by my husband mowing. Why bother?
Our old friends aren’t standing on this lawn
I fear like my Dad they too will all soon be bygone
I’ve been robbed of memories made
Leaving me feeling oh so afraid
of missing out on ones yet to arrive
With my own kids I must try to strive
To make the best of this end of summer
Even though it is quite the bummer
Without the fireworks and the cheer
Of excited children and rednecks full of beer
The rumble and roar of the bachelors’ motorbikes
With some imagination they can sound just like
The display that closes out the country fair
To miss it ever I would never dare
But tonight I must accept this as fate
It’s not just mine. The whole world must wait
To gather for fun, fireworks, and song
Hopefully life like this won’t last too long
I finish my rounds listening to crickets and click beetles
And pretend they are the voices of all the fair going people
Ending the festivities craning to see the lights in the sky
Singing God Bless America and bidding the summer good bye.
Cotton Candy Sky