I Went to a Psychic
I went to a psychic hoping to hear from you
All of you or just one of you
Because none of you said a final adieu
It’s been years of waiting, wondering
How are you? Where are you?
Because I’m still here
Looking at pictures of you
Reliving memories made with you
Memories of our good times, our bad times, our sad times
But all I want to know is how are you?
So I went to a psychic hoping to hear from you
I sat in rapt attention, I stared at her
HOPING, HOPING she would say something to me
That one of your voices would come through her and say something to me
But I was one of the only ones who heard nothing from a loved one
I sat there for hours listening to her tell people about theirs
And there I was with so many lost loved ones
And yet she had nothing to say to me
I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed because my hopes were high
Then they were shattered
All fell from the mantel of longing I placed them on
Fell and shattered all over the floor of that studio
I went home and thought about it
I went for a walk and thought about it
I thought about you and me
And why I wanted to say goodbye
But the truth is there is no goodbye to say
Because you’re not gone
Mom is in my blue eyes and the hands I have matured into
Dad is in that crooked grin that stares back at me from the mirror
Sister is in my voice every time I speak. No wonder her children adore me.
Aunties and cousins, uncles and friends, you’re all here with me in the loved ones you left behind.
In the memories we made and the celebrations we had
There is no goodbye to say
Because you’re not gone
You’re still here with me
The only farewell I have to say is to the notion of hoping to hear from you
Through a woman who doesn’t even know me.
She didn’t need to tell me how you are or where you are
I know how you are
You’re fine. You’re happy. You’re together.
You have memories to make in some other realm
I know that you know that l will never forget you
And I’ll never have to say goodbye to what was
because it remains inside of me
Inside of everyone we love.
A white feather I found in the horse pasture the day I wrote this poem. It symbolizes that your angel is near and they want you to know it.