Just Wondering Along

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Beneath the Hickory Tree

I sat beneath the hickory tree
My little black goat by my side
The morning chores were all complete
I took the time to unwind

She rest her head upon my knee
I scratched her tiny fuzzy muzzle
With eyes closed she leaned into me
As if asking for a nuzzle

I could not help but think the beast
Is the sweetest thing I’ve ever known
She left her herd at their feast
To enjoy the affection being shown

We sat in silence for she doesn’t speak
But in the quiet I heard everything
Her closing lids fluttered open to peak
The excitement of absolutely not a thing

A breeze picked up and I felt the cool
Of a season that has yet to arrive
I laughed because I suffered a fool
Failing at accomplishments I did strive

My aspirations seemed to fall short
As summer quickly passed me by
My arguments would hold up in court
Too much to do I cannot lie

The home, the animals, and the plants
Take up so much of my time
I busy myself much like the ants
Taking advantage of all the sunshine

Would I have it any other way?
I ask myself this question often
I’m afraid to be gone for just a day
I always err on the side of caution

I may miss out on a trip to the beach
Or a weekend somewhere fun
But I live with all I love within reach
As I never finish all I have begun

My time beneath the hickory tree
Watching the leaves begin to fade
And seeing its hard green fruits break free
I have to appreciate this life I made

The livestock coats are beginning to thicken
The gardens are coming to fruition
I can’t help but feel a little stricken
By a sense of loss and contrition

The transition season fast approaches
My need to accomplish does not dwindle
To complete a lot as the darkness encroaches                                                             My desire for more is only kindled

So I welcome these winds of change
Excited to see what they will bring
A new season will hopefully arrange
For mine, yours, and the world’s upswing

Take some time to sit beneath a tree
And allow your breath to slow
Think about all the good that is free
And allow your love to grow.