Sister Moon

Sister Moon

Mid autumn chill brushes my cheek

Ink black sky blindfolds my eyes

I walk the fields by memory only

Crunching of leaves tells me I’m not alone

Whose footsteps can that be?

Coyote, deer, or black bear possibly?

Too loud to be the fox

The cadence not that of a horse

I’ll venture a guess, I choose deer

No need to fret I’m the one who induces fear

I better get a move on it

My mind is playing tricks

These shorter days have it wandering

As I feel a pull to go within

But like a beacon of hope

The waning moon does appear

Over the horizon, behind the trees

As I work sister moon stays with me

Like a forever friend, a soulmate

She follows me along my way

Stealing my focus, keeping me company

I cannot help but admire her steadfastness

But envy her ease

How does she do it?

Go through all her phases?

Bright and cheery to embracing her darkness

How does she do it?

Inviting us all to gaze upon her

Without conceit or insecurity

She comes and goes without apology

Yet always reliable, always admirable

But I am not like the moon

Or rather I may be

But not appreciated for it

My cheerfulness may wax and wane

My expression may dim

My patience not always easy

Or I am too much, too bright

Asked to shine not so much

Curtains pulled to block my light

But missed if I choose to stay behind a cloud

Why must I stay forever the same?

Am I not allowed to take a break?

Why can’t I light up the sky?

Or hide my face when I feel like?

Because I am not the moon

I control much more than the tide.

The Hostess

The Hostess





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