All in Gratitude

Growing Gratitude

One of my favorite Henry David Thoreau quotes is “It's the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us. The question is not what you look at but what you see.” To me this means that we can look at just about anything and find beauty if we ourselves are filled with positivity. Even if something isn’t classically attractive there can still be beauty in its purpose or being.

For the Love of Animals

Just like the saint and my father who shares the name, I love ALL animals - domestic ones, wild ones, pretty ones, ugly ones, scary ones, and helpless ones. Especially the helpless ones. There is something about an injured or sick, lost or abandoned animal that just tugs at my heart.

Little Gifts

That is the thing about good friends. Spending time with them is just as easy as breathing. Hours pass so quickly that you think it’s only been minutes. For me there was something life affirming about a few hours spent enjoying animals and nature with a life long friend. The wildflowers we picked were a reminder that life doesn’t have to grow according to plan in order to be beautiful. We were able to pick a collection of vibrant flowers from different locations as our walk progressed. Isn’t that just like life? We pick things up along the way that brighten our days and make life better.