All tagged Life Lesson

Sentiment About Sediment

After all, these rocks that cover most of the Earth’s surface aren’t really all that different from us. We may not be physically formed like sedimentary rocks but our personalities sure are. Just look around. Each and every one of us are shaped by the lessons from previous generations and a multitude of life experiences. That is why some of us may be cold as stone or considered solid as a rock.

Little Gifts

That is the thing about good friends. Spending time with them is just as easy as breathing. Hours pass so quickly that you think it’s only been minutes. For me there was something life affirming about a few hours spent enjoying animals and nature with a life long friend. The wildflowers we picked were a reminder that life doesn’t have to grow according to plan in order to be beautiful. We were able to pick a collection of vibrant flowers from different locations as our walk progressed. Isn’t that just like life? We pick things up along the way that brighten our days and make life better.