Just Wondering Along

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Waiting on Jack Frost

Late Autumn, sleepy sun

Shadows looming, the chill begun

Darkness prevails during this end of year time

But this weather doesn’t make any reason or rhyme

l suppose it will soon be turning raw

The last of the pumpkins, nibbled and gnawed

But for now it’s been extra mild

I must admit it’s driving me wild

The trees are all gray and bare

The woodchucks are retired to their lairs

The garden plots are dry and brown

They too are ready to be bedded down

But the grass, although halted, is still green

Its the strangest Fall I’ve ever seen

Where are the frozen morning windshields?

The killing frost on the all the fallow hayfields?

I’m anxiously awaiting Mr. Jack’s arrival

I hope he shows before the Sun King’s revival

The songbirds still have a song to sing

They take flight on sun warmed wings

Visiting my feeders and dotting my lawn

They pick at insects that should be long gone

They’re not the only ones outliving their stay

I found a golden dandelion just this very day

It’s perfect bloom low to the ground

And next to it a fluffy seed head could be found

What madness is this I cannot say

But even the trees have red buds on branches dark gray

I can’t help but wonder what are we in for?

Is this merely a calm that comes before a storm?

Will the winter bring more than we can stand?

Leaving us cursing a cold and icy land?

Maybe we will be full of despair

Cursing a life that is less than fair

Whatever is coming I haven’t a care

This year has taught me I can’t always prepare

Maybe we will all be pleasantly surprised

When the seasonal shift does finally arrive

Let us all hope for the very best

As we stand together during this current time’s test.